Friday, November 1, 2013

Love And Unity

So, I have been observing the variances in beliefs/behaviors of my fellow Christians lately. I do this with an interested curiosity. We all have different beliefs, but the same G-d. When we let theological differences come between us we inhibit the spirit from moving. It says "they will know you by your love for one another" - and yet even people who I know love the Lord will forget this. Our greatest witness is our love for each other. 
I have explained denominations to my kids as we all have the same parent (G-d), but we live in different houses with different expectations, although it doesn't have to apply to denominations only - sometimes within a denomination, or even a church itself.
Much like a family, the parents have children, and they start their own families with their own beliefs/values/traditions. It doesn't make them not part of the parental family, and arguing does not make for a very desirable visit. The grandchildren will take on some of the characteristics of the family, and still have their own identity. 
Issues such as drinking, Halloween, tattooes, clothing, company, days of church, arg! the list goes on - I am not singling out anyone in this post, but it has seemed to be such a HUGE observation for me everywhere I go that people are in discord. 
I get made fun of for being a "hippie" with my "peace, love, happiness" mantra, but seriously people! Peace, love and happiness! I am not endorsing other hippie behavior with that; please don't come by my house with anything illegal, or I will decline it. 
God reaches us where we are, convicts us by the Holy Spirit, and leads us to where He wants us to be. This doesn't mean we can control what we do by what we feel; we are responsible for acting on our beliefs. But please be kind to your brothers, sisters, friends, fellow churchies, strangers, and the community that is full of broken people looking for Yeshua.
Written by Christine Embry
Used with permission.

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