Sunday, July 28, 2013

A See-Saw Spiritual Life

A see-saw is a plank balanced in the centre of an upright support in such a way that each end can rise and fall alternately.  To function properly, a see-saw needs an equal load on both ends.  A single person on a see-saw is just a dead weight which will move neither up nor down.
Our spiritual life is like a see-saw.  God is the upright support in the middle which never moves.  The plank is our spiritual life.  On one side we must balance - ‘studying the Word’.  On the other side - ‘spiritual production’.  One without the other results in either a dead-spiritual-life or the production of dead-works.  Study without production is like a tree that never bears fruit.  Works without study inevitably result in the production of wood, hay and stubble to be burnt at the ‘Judgement Seat of Christ’.  As with most things there must be a balance.  However, one does come before the other - learning the Word of God always comes before production.  Yet if there is no production (applying those things we learn) there will be no movement.  Our spiritual lives should always be in motion.  If it is one-sided we should not be surprised when we become a spiritual dead weight moving nowhere.
- Taken from
Designed by Ian & Sue Coate.
Used with permission.

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