Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Whatever We Ask

In John 14:12-14 and 15:7 and 15:16, Jesus said that whatever we ask in Jesus' name it will be given to us. Of course, this puzzles me because not all prayers asked in Jesus' name are given to us. The truth may lay in this: If our heart is fixed to/on bringing about God's Kingdom and fulfilling His will in obedience then our prayers will be oriented to reflect this. Thereby, our Heavenly Father will honor our prayers and allow them to come to fruition. Our prayers, if this be true, must contain less selfish pleas, bullying through God's promises, and half-hearted attempts to be sanctimonious. We must be so in tune with the Father so as to understand His intentions within our lives so that when we pray we are merely an unhindered vessel or clear channel/conduit to bring His salvation to the world. Jesus was/is one with his Father and was in full obedience to Him and so we must be also. - JSS

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