Saturday, April 6, 2013

God's Thoughts

God our maker knew that many other thoughts about us; who we are or should be, would prevail from diverse sources, and most of which will be contrary to His, and that will affect us negatively or positively momentarily or eternally.

Therefore, in His loving kindness and saving Grace, He provided His own thoughts about who we are/should be in the Bible; made it so detailed and voluminous, that even a lifetime is not sufficient to exhaust reading, exploring and discovering all the thoughts God records in the Bible about who we are/should be.

He even came to live among us through His Son Jesus to live His own thoughts practically, like we should, and confirmed that it is possible and feasible regardless of circumstances.

God further provided His Holy Spirit (our helper) in this regard, through whom we can have additional and precise information (His thoughts) about who we are, from the Bible in form of revelation knowledge.

In this case therefore, he does not expect us to have any single iota or moment of time to consider or even respond to any other thoughts, besides His thoughts about who we are or should be; and especially those that contradict His thoughts.  It therefore amounts to disrespect or insulting to Him, when we consider other thoughts besides His, and let them affect us.

He wonders what more He should do in His long suffering when He has provided His Word that never fails, and that will endure forever when everything else passes away!

Like David said, “Thy Word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you!” Psalm 119:11

May our lives be God’s Word-centered because God has exalted His Word, even above His name.

Submitted by Margy Otiato, a reader. Margy can be reached via her email: Used with permission.

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