Friday, August 9, 2013

I Feel Blessed

Have you ever had one of those days, although far from perfect, where you felt very blessed. Well, today is one of those days for me.
As a matter of fact, I've felt this way for a few days now. I'm breathing. I'm relatively healthy (although I could use a little tune-up). I have an awesome group of kiddos who love me. I have beautiful, loving parents who helped to create who I am today. I have faithful friends who I've grown up with over the years. I have a good job that takes care of my needs, the needs of others and even some of our wants. I have a sound mind that seeks after knowledge and truth (although the memory could use a little work). I have a long-awaited home in Heaven to look forward to.
But most of all, I have a Heavenly Father who loves me unconditionally and provides endles mercy, forgiveness and grace. I have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross so that I may truly live. And I have the Holy Spirit who guides and strengthens my steps.
So, I feel very blessed today...and that makes all the difference. - JSS

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